
GlassFrog Platform Demo


Hi, I am Brian Robertson, founder of GlassFrog. Glass Frog's a tool for creating organizational clarity and then helping you leverage that clarity.

So I'm gonna walk you through some of the core functionality here in this demo. And to start, Glass Frog's a tool for role-based organization. It creates organizational clarity by making it easy for companies to break down and define the roles of who does what, who makes which decisions, what power or authority goes with each role, et cetera.

It's used by both traditionally managed companies that value clear, clean delegation for better empowerment, as well as by self-managed companies that are using that organizational clarity to replace some of the traditional functions of a manager.

So let's jump in and see how this looks. So this is one of the main screens you'll see in GlassFrog. So this is my own company and our general operations circle. So you can see our org chart view over here. This is in place of the more traditional org chart based on people or job titles.

This is a role-based org chart, right? So I can click around in my circle or team, on the different roles here, or I can scroll down. I see all the roles. I see the purpose of every role, so people know why, what's wild success look like? What are they trying to achieve, right?

I have a bunch of other data in here we'll go through over time. I can see the policies of the company, projects, metrics, things like that. But for now, let's just poke around a few different roles here, right? And you can see with every role, I can see a purpose. Again, I can see the accountabilities as well. This tells everyone involved. What do they expect from this role? Tells the role what they need to manage. And it also starts defining some of the cross-connection points between the roles, right?

Like you'll see, for example, here, this is our business manager role filled by Matt, accountable for defining a standard pricing model for GlassFrog, but also including discounts that sales may offer without further approval.

So by starting to define the connection points, instead of going to meetings to discuss everything or building consensus and buy-in, GlassFrog gives you the clarity to enable you to simply make more decisions outside of meetings without having to check with people or to know exactly who to check with when, or what constraints you need to align with, right?

It also gives you the clarity of who controls what, right? So this says, our pricing model is controlled by Matt in the business manager role. And this is just one role that Matt fills. He actually fills many different roles. In fact, if I click on Matt, I can see in different circles, he has a lot of different roles. Each one is just one unit of work, right?

I can see all the expectations on that and all that. So it gives you a much clearer and more realistic view than say just a job description. Job descriptions are often out of date anyway, by the time they're off the printer. Where if you use GlassFrog, well, you're keeping this living and alive because anyone can propose changing anything, right?

So let, let's look at that a little bit further. So, policies, for example, if I go here in policies, policies are an area that often gets bureaucratic over time in companies, right? It slows things down. You end up with a policy that prevented one thing that went wrong long ago that sticks around forever, and limits everybody, right?

Glasswork makes it easy to see the policies first of all, right? Like, can you offer discounts or custom prices? Well, here are the rules around it, you know, or spending, you know, or spending rules. But more importantly, it makes it easy for anyone to propose changing any of these or any expectations on any role, right?

So when bureaucracy does creep in, which it will, when you find policies that are in the way, you can start whittling them down to just the minimum needed to protect whatever needs protecting, right? Or when you find a, a new expectation that you need on one of the roles, and you don't wanna have to go to meetings and just kind of build the consensus, you can have a simple way to just propose it, capture it, and make it part of that person's workflow or change a process or, or what have you.

For example, let's try it. Here's a, a proposal I'm building. So I wanna edit one of the accountabilities in this business manager role, for example. And, let's say here's attention. This is coming from me and my capital raiser role. I am raising funding for the organization, and I need a data room with our financials for potential investors to review.

And this is where AI can come

in really handy here, right? So here's the role as it exists. I can edit any of this, you know, but let's say in this case, I just wanna propose a new accountability to solve my tension or my concern. Well, here's the AI giving us a suggestion. Maintaining an up-to-date data room with financials.

This is just pulled based on that tension and it knowing the role. And I can use that, or I can edit it as I see fit. And when I'm done, I can click propose now and it's gonna send that proposal out to my whole team, or however I've configured glass wrong.

So, if you're using a team-based or a self-managed structure, it might go to the whole team. And then as soon as you hit the threshold for the proposals passed, then it automatically updates the relevant role and notifies the relevant parties.

So that agility allows people to actually evolve the company structure. It makes things that are hard to change in most companies, the way things work around here, they tend to stick around in most companies. GlassFrog makes it easy for those to be updated, for the organizational structure and form to be a living, breathing thing that's responding to the actual learning we're encountering along the way, right?

Without a lot of meetings required to get there.

Alright, so let's, let's look at another example of how I might propose a change. And in this case, let me just try going in directly to our proposal builder, you know, so, here's another example. Making this demo video, for example.

Um, here's attention, right? We have no demo videos. So I waste a lot of time giving live demos for timing opportunities. Maybe this is coming from my sales role. You know, again, here's where the AI really shines in GlassFrog, the AI, we call it Frog Bot.

Uh, frog Bot knows your entire companies structure. It knows all of the policies, all of the roles, all of of the expectations on each role, any authority or anything you've delegated to a role to control, right? Um, knows all of that.

So when you come in here with a tension and you suggest, a propo get a suggested proposal, it's reviewing all that information and it's trying to figure out how do I best solve this tension? And it's giving you a draft of something. And what, what I absolutely love about this is, it allows people to turn complaints into proposals really effortlessly.

And if there's one thing anyone seems to be pretty good at, in any company that I've, I've ever worked with, it seems to be complaining. So one thing that everyone at least has some skill in, and if you can complain to Frog Bot, it can generate a proposal for you, right?

So here's an example. So it knows our structure and it's suggesting, hey, let's create a new role here, called Demo Content Creator. Great. That's suggesting a purpose for the role, which connects to why I'm proposing this in my sales role, right? Streamline sales process.

They're engaging in for admitted videos. It's suggesting some accountabilities. It's also saying, Hey, if this role makes the videos, it should control that video library. Um, and then it's also suggesting, hey, maybe we want expect the sales role or the marketing role to somehow use these sales role to use them marketing role to promote them.

And it's doing this because it knows these roles, it knows the purpose of the roles, it knows the projects of every role, uh, right, what they've worked on, it knows their OKRs or their goals and targets. If you're using those, it has more context than a human can hold in our, our head, right?

The AI can, it holds all of that, and it suggests something. And it can even suggest updating or, or proposing new policies, right? So here it's suggesting a policy for us. Now, I can choose to use this as is. I can edit it. If I push it to my, my team as a proposal, they'll have a chance to comment, to raise objections.

Uh, in fact, let's look at what that looks like. In fact, we can see here in my sidebar, I already have a proposal from someone else on my team to respond to. So let's see what that looks like here, right?

And let's respond. So here's a proposal that Matt and his business manager role proposed, and here's his tension, you know, or the why behind the proposal, right? He says we have a competitor who's poaching clients, right? And we need to counter that. Uh, we need somebody nurturing relationships.

And it'd also be helpful if we had more annual contracts, right? So based on that, Matt's proposing we add an account manager role with a purpose and some

accountabilities you might expect. Maybe he used the AI to generate this. Maybe he put it in himself, who knows.

And then it's also, he's also proposing updating a policy. So here's an example of how we can see the policies getting more flexible, right? This is our, our policy on how we can offer custom prices or discounts. And it's saying, Hey, maybe we should allow account manager, uh, to also offer a discount to retain key clients that are in major strategic value, right?

And, you know, through all of this, and then marketing of course, accountable for inspiring, customers to upgrade, um, right to the premium plans, to to, uh, to the, the annual plan from the the basic monthly premium plan.

So you put all that together, and I have two choices. I can say no objection if everyone on my team clicks that based on our settings, it'll automatically be integrated into to our, our structure and people will be notified accordingly.

Um, or I can bring it to a meeting and GlassFrog has some great meeting interfaces and this will automatically add it to the agenda for our next meeting. Uh, in fact, let's see one of those a meeting, interfaces right now.

And, uh, there's many meeting interfaces in Glass Rock. These are one of our, our more popular features. Um, so let's start a meeting of our general ops circle. Although every team here, every circle may, you know, have that.

So I can even zoom around on my org chart here, and you can see, uh, if I were in the circle, I'm not in the circle, I'd be able to open a meeting here if I fill a relevant role. But we'll just do it here for now. We'll start a meeting.

And you can see here a few different kinds of meetings. So there's custom ones. We can, any organization can customize their own meeting templates and, you know, use that to, to streamline meetings.

We have some standard ones in here. Uh, there's some standard ones for agile teams, agile software teams like retrospectives or sprint planning for Now, I'm gonna show you a tactical meeting, which is a, a holacracy style operational meeting for just streamlining, getting stuff done.

But again, all of this is customizable. I can customize every step. I can add steps, right? I can save my, my template, new meetings. Uh, and I wanna show you just a few steps to highlight here in this video.

One is our, our support for OKRs or goals and targets, right? And we can see for our second quarter, we've got some high level goals and then some breakdown targets. We can track progress here.

Uh, and again, all of this is also available for the ai. And you can access that ai not just through the interfaces I showed, but also through a little AI chat bot here if I want to. There's a lot of, just general information I can ask there, and it can help me navigate everything and make suggestions on a lot of different things in my organization.

But here in this meeting, we can go in and we can update these, uh, these goals in the meeting. Anyone remote workers can all log in and be viewing this meeting together. Uh, we can also see our projects.

Uh, we'll have a Kanban style project board here for reporting out project updates, and we can capture those updates in here as well. Um, and uh, then finally we can go into to triage here. And this is where people can add items to the agenda. You know, whatever we want to discuss, give a a quick agenda label.

Everyone can add these. We can build an agenda and then rapid fire move through 'em. Or if I've tracked some of my tensions, which in this case I have, I've had one queued up for this meeting, right? Great. Well, I can add that to our agenda and it'll automatically put that in there and it'll remind me, here's my tension when I click on it, you know, and now we can go through the meeting process and capture actions or projects or, or whatever, uh, here and whatever I capture will be automatically added to our project board so we can get updates on it regularly.

Uh, and whoever wasn't in this meeting, uh, when I capture whatever outputs and notes I have in here and finally close the meeting, they'll get automatically notified and sent the minutes and all that.

And they're also available always in the interface as well, right?

So I hope that gives you a, an overview, a high level whirlwind tour of Glass Rock. There's of course a lot more functionality than we had a chance to show here. Um, but that's at least some of the high level. And I hope it gives you an idea for how you can break down and clarify organizational structure and more importantly, leverage that clarity and evolve it to capture all the learning in your organization and deeply empower people to lead their roles without a lot of meetings and managers in the way.

Thanks for joining me. Have a great day.